Other Business




If you are interested in getting into the Rental Business, I would like to let my 43+ years experience  as a Landlord to help you learn how to begi...
33 total mins
If you are interested in getting into the Rental Business, I would like to let my 43+ years of experience as a landlord help you learn how to begin...
1 total hour
Hello and welcome to The Storyboard Initiative’s Intro to Hospitality and Tourism Course! We bring you a comprehensive 40 minute course on th...
1 total hour
В рамках курса мы познакомимся с профессией Fashion Buyer изнутри: детально рассмотрим, чем он занимается и какими умениями должен обладать. Мы под...
39 total mins
This course provide brief overview of national, mutual recognition / decentralized and centralized procedures along with timeline flowcharts. It al...
33 total mins
About This Class You’ve been interested in Sustainability, and perhaps even working in this field. You may have been asked to consult and manage a ...
2.5 total hours
$79.99 $55
From a young age, we are taught to think in a linear fashion. We are taught to measure time by the 24-hour cycle and by the passage of the various ...
3.5 total hours
Why do you need to enroll in this course? Here are the reasons; If you want to; – Developing essential skills that will also affect your care...
3 total hours
$19.99 $14
If you are working in a catering business then this course is for you. The course may also be of interest to managers and owners see...
1.5 total hours
Dear Learners, This is a short course to learn Tax procedures to calculate House Property Income. It explains Municipal Rental Value (MRV), Fair Re...
1 total hour
This course will tackle the following subjects: Tourism Terminologies (Accessible Tourism, BSP, GDS, GSA, Pitch, Single Supplement…), De...
42 total mins
This course ensures that travel services are constantly selling no matter when during the year. It will ensure that through tackling subjects as 12...
36 total mins