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Powerful, Confident Body Language for Business Women

Improve your nonverbal communication in business. Boost your confidence and self-esteem.
Kara Ronin
1,054 students enrolled
Nonverbal communication and body language for women
How to use body language gestures for increased confidence and power
Increase your impact and influence in business
Project more confidence and power externally
Feel more confident and powerful internally
Convey authority in difficult situations
Get others to notice you and listen to you
Develop a stronger reputation
Body language for networking, business meetings, presentations and negotiations

Do you want to be more powerful and influential in business? 

If you struggle to get your ideas recognised, then you know how it feels to be overlooked and ignored. I’m here to help you change that! In this course, we will tackle this issue by focusing on your body language.

Learning how to use body language for more impact and influence is a skill every driven business person needs. Why? Your body language is a tool that magnifies your communication and makes you stand out as a person of authority.

However for women, powerful, confident body language is often difficult to embrace; it’s not part of our natural demeanor and it’s not what society expects from us.  

Women are often brought up to be nurturing and kind. We learn to incorporate gentle, soft body language gestures that align with this image. However, when we hit adulthood and enter the business world, these gestures no longer serve us and they become a hindrance to our professional development and goals. 

In the 34 videos you’re about to watch and the challenges I’ve set for you, you will learn an array of powerful, confident body language gestures. You will learn how to use those gestures so you can communicate with impact and influence. 

This course will help you to:

  • Understand the unique body language advantage that women have over men.

  • Understand body language hurdles that women face.

  • Use your posture, head, legs, arms, hands, personal space, body orientation, eye contact, and objects around you for heightened power and authority.

  • Apply powerful, confident body language gestures to networking events, business meetings, presentations, and negotiations.

  • Avoid mistakes women often make with their body language.

  • Feel more confident.

Powerful, confident body language has been critically important for me as a businesswoman. As a coach, I teach these gestures to my executive level clients and they see amazing results. I want to teach them to you so you can get others to see you as the confident, powerful women that you are. 

No holding back. Let’s go!

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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don't have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That's up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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1 hours on-demand video
1 article
Full lifetime access
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Certificate of Completion

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