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The Complete Guide To Analyzing Single Family Rental Houses

How To Use Professional Real Estate Investment Analysis To Find Profitable, Cash-Flowing Single Family Rental Properties
Justin Kivel
3,532 students enrolled
English [Auto]
How to analyze returns for single family rental house purchases
How to compare rental houses to stocks, bonds, and other investment vehicles
How to turn an initial equity investment into multiple rental house purchases using the BRRRR method
The three key investment metrics you need to know to correctly analyze single family rental homes
How to quickly and easily find accurate, trustworthy historical data online (for free) to accurately project future cash flows and investment returns

Want to invest in a single family rental home, but not sure how to spot a good deal from a bad one?

If you’ve ever thought about buying a rental home to build up your investment income, supplement your day job earnings, or prepare for an early retirement, this course will teach you exactly how to analyze single family home investments using professional real estate investment analysis techniques used by the largest, most sophisticated real estate investment and private equity firms across the globe.

Single family home investing can either be a massive headache and time-suck, or smooth-sailing, easy “mailbox money” – and which direction your property takes is due in large part to the accuracy of your investment analysis up front.

For something you plan to own for five, ten, or fifteen+ years, you want to make sure you have your analysis dialed in. Otherwise, you could be stuck with a property that needs constant attention and more cash out of your pocket, just to keep a struggling property afloat.

After taking this course, you’ll be able to analyze a single family rental home to find the best deals in whatever market you choose, and to feel confident in your investment assumptions before you close on the property.

Just some of the things you’ll learn in this course include:

  • What to look out for when buying turnkey properties, and how to do your own analysis to make sure you’re getting a good deal

  • How to use the BRRRR strategy to massively accelerate your cash flow and equity build-up over just a few short years

  • How investors use the “debt snowball” strategy in single family home investing (and how you can own properties free and clear sooner than you think)

  • How to choose a market that will bring you both cash flow AND appreciation over the long-term

  • How to use easily-accessible, reliable, and free data sources online to project market rent growth, value growth, and vacancy percentages in your analysis to confidently project future cash flows and investment returns

  • The MAJOR mistake many first time investors make when renovating a property (and how to avoid it)

  • How to calculate taxable income for your single family home deal, so you can project the exact amount of cash in your pocket every single month (even 30 years from now)

We’ll also end the course with TWO real-life single family home acquisition case studies that we’ll work through together, using the done-for-you single family home acquisition model that you’ll be able to download with your enrollment in the course, so you can use the skill set you’ve built right away to value live deals.

Whether you’re an existing real estate professional, or you’ve never invested in real estate before, this course will teach you everything you need to know to find and acquire your first (or next) single family rental house.

Join 15,000+ happy students who are learning real estate financial modeling and analysis from our courses.

Can’t wait to see you in class!

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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don't have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That's up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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5 hours on-demand video
6 articles
Full lifetime access
Access on mobile and TV
Certificate of Completion

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