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Touristic course of the Serbian language

Curso de turismo de la lengua serbia.
Suzana Anđelković
16 estudiantes matriculados
English [Auto]
To speak when they come at the airport
To speak with taxi drivers
to ask for the directions and to receive an answer
to speak with the waiter in a restaurant
to speak with the waiter in a caffe/bar
to speak with the receptionist at the hotel

This course is going to help if you decide to do a trip to any Serbian speaking country. Also, this course is going to guide you from the time of the arrival until the time you would spend in the downtown.

After taking this course, you’ll have some image of what is the Serbian language like and how is it possible to speak with people.

Some of the topics are: in the downtown (asking for the direction and receiving the instructions) , at the hotel (so that you can speak with the receptionist)etc

Good luck with the Serbian studies

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1 horas de video a pedido
Acceso completo de por vida
Acceso en el móvil y en la televisión
Certificado de finalización

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