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BALLET TOURISM LESSON III – jumping – 16 exercises online

Online Course of Classical Ballet with Breathtaking Views
Pamela Moravkova
5 students enrolled
English [Auto]
This Lesson contains 16 Combinations that you can practice individually.

We will practice in the historical part of the capital city of Czech republic – Prague, today. You will see a view on the Vltava river with three bridges (Mánes, Charles and Legií) and part of the New Old Town district.

The lesson can be practiced at home using minimum space. The individual combinations focus on large poses. On rélévé, balce and pirouettes.

There is also a small not to fast allegro (jumping).

The lesson ends with a port de brase.

You will enjoy your ballet lesson with a wonderful Prague view and beautiful music.

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You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don't have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That's up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
5 out of 5
2 Ratings

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1 hours on-demand video
Full lifetime access
Access on mobile and TV
Certificate of Completion

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