High frequency spa treatment

Learn how the high frequency helps in reducing acne and signs of ageing
What is high frequency facial treatment
How does the high frequency work
Everything about the high frequency electrodes
Benefits of a high frequency treatment
Contraindications and indications to the high frequency treatment
High frequency facial treatment practice

The high frequency spa treatment is a course dedicated for beauticians who are willing to gain the necessary knowledge and perform this treatment founded by the great scientist Nikola Tesla during the late 1800s.

The course includes subjects such as:

  • What is high frequency facial treatment.

  • How does the high frequency (electrical current) work.

  • Everything about the high frequency electrodes.

  • Benefits of a high frequency treatment.

  • Contraindications and indications to the high frequency treatment. 

  • High frequency facial treatment practice.

The high frequency spa treatment helps in reducing acne, wrinkles, fine lines, dark eye circles, puffy eyes and cellulite. This treatment is also beneficial for people who suffer from hair loss, dandruff, oily skin and breakouts. The high frequency treatment is a perfect oxygenating treatment for tired people caused by urban lifestyle.

This course will help students gain the required knowledge in regards to the high frequency spa treatment. By the end of this course, students will be able to understand how the high frequency works, recognise contraindications and indications as well as perform the actual treatment. Thanks to this course, students will finally be able to apply safely and effectively this anti-acne and anti-ageing treatment.

Highly recommended for beauticians who are willing expand their knowledge and introduce valuable and effective treatments to their salons.

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