Finance & Accounting




In the world of real estate rental properties, many wonderful benefits are available for those that recognize them through proper training. In this...
1.5 total hours
$199.99 $160
Accounting & Bookkeeping
Many investors are looking to break into the real estate market to diversify their investment portfolio.  Generating income from rental real e...
2.5 total hours
Finance & Accounting
This course is designed to give individual real estate investors the knowledge to comply with U.S. federal tax rules for their real property invest...
1 total hour
This course will focus on tax preparation related to rental real property. We will look at each new concept from multiple angles, starting with a p...
5.5 total hours
$139.99 $110
Welcome to your course Cash Flow Modelling for Lease Rental Discounting Loan. This course is a result of demand from present students to structure ...
1.5 total hours
What is the Breakeven Point (BEP)? In accounting, the break-even point formula is determined by dividing the total fixed costs associated with prod...
1.5 total hours
Learn how to effectively understand Night Audit procedures, Accounting, Guest Cycle and implement them efficiently. The auditing process for the da...
1.5 total hours
Accounting & Bookkeeping
$59.99 $48
Hospitality finance is unique from other industries. A part of the hotel finance department is considered part of hotel operations rather than a su...
2.5 total hours
Menu engineering is the study of the profitability and popularity of menu items and how these two factors influence the placement of these items on...
1.5 total hours
Hospitality finance is unique from other industries. A part of the hotel finance department is considered part of hotel operations rather than a su...
3 total hours
                     About This Course. Learning How to Create formula Calculation ( Buffet ...
5.5 total hours
Pandemic has thrown challenges on the survival of the hospitality business. Managing the cash is now key in surviving the business. in this short w...
1.5 total hours