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Lo, la, le: Direct & Indirect Object Pronouns in Spanish

Learn Spanish Direct and Indirect Pronouns
Speak more naturally by using direct and indirect object pronouns
Dive deep into the grammar to understand the 'why' behind the pronouns
Communicate your ideas in Spanish using direct and indirect object pronouns

2 simple letters can cause a lot of confusion for Spanish learners: LO. This course will dive in to explain this short but super important Spanish word, and other words like it.

In the course, students will learn the Spanish grammar behind words like LO – the direct and indirect objects pronouns.

First we’ll review transitive and intransitive verbs to understand where direct and indirect objects can and cannot fit in Spanish sentences, then we’ll dive into understanding direct and indirect objects and how to use their pronouns.

There are plenty of exercises to use along the way to practice, practice, practice until you make « perfect ». 

In addition, there is a speaking challenge that students should complete to utilize their knowledge of the subjunctive when speaking.

The course is short, so you’ll soon be able to use these pronouns in your speech to sound MUCH more natural than you did before – all by using a little word called ‘lo’ (& others like it!)

This course is for students who already have an upper beginner or intermediate level in Spanish who want to learn about direct and indirect object pronouns or students who are having trouble with them and need an extra boost to finally get it right!

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Étoiles 5
Étoiles 4
Étoiles 3
Étoiles 2
Étoiles 1
Garantie de remboursement de 30 jours


2 heures de vidéo à la demande
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Lo, la, le: Direct & Indirect Object Pronouns in Spanish
Prix :
$34.99 $19